What Is Apex Trader Funding All About?

Simply put, ATF gives you the opportunity to trade futures and receive real payouts without the risk of putting your own capital on the line, for a small fee of course. The catch? Not a catch, simply a challenge. You show them you can trade consistently within the confines of their rules and they pay you out out for reaching the criteria needed.

1. Pass The Evaluation

You can trade your evaluations however you would like. You can check out the rules here - EVAL RULES

2. Move Into A Paid Account

Paid Accounts must be traded within the rules state. You can check those out here - PA RULES

3. Meet The Criteria To Receive A Payout

To receive a payout, you must reach the required minimum balance and have traded 10 days (balance must stay above minimum requirement until payout is approved). You can read more about it here - PAYOUT INFO

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How It All Began

Ladies and Gentlemen, Darrell Martin.

ATF's Origin Story

Darrell Martin interviewed by Kevin Harrington (Shark Tank).

Darrell Martin founded Apex Investing over a decade ago to unite traders and enhance their skills. He later launched Apex Trader Funding. With almost 20 years of trading experience, he's spoken at international expos and developed groundbreaking trading tools. Martin holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees and has built organizations for Fortune 500 companies. Starting as a retail trader, he spent over a decade developing software and educational resources used by tens of thousands of traders worldwide.


Why Join Apex Trader Funding?

With the lowest prices and highest payouts, ATF is your best option for Prop Futures Trading.

Lowest Prices
You'll get 100% of the initial $25,000
Payout Dates Every Two Weeks
Trade More Contracts That Offered Anywhere Else
No Scaling Plan and no Contract Size Limit
No Daily Drawdowns
Easy to Follow Management Rules
Trade With Multiple Accounts
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